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Room decor, an art in Ibiza villas

The Ibizan lifestyle has crossed many borders. Nowadays this is an Island known worldwide, not just because of its strategic and privileged location, also for its decorative and architectural expressions. Rooms, gardens or verandas stand out because of its distinctive white color as a fundamental tenet of this aesthetic movement.

This kind of decoration transmits without a doubt, relax, peace, tranquility and good vibrations. It leads us into a world full of light, freshness and purity.

Distinctive elements of rooms decorated Ibizan style

BIM is a technique based on 3D-modelling, which allows reaching top degree of excellence in every stage of design aIn order to achieve a room decorated Ibizan style there are some essential elements who make very simple to adapt said style to our home. For instance a wall composition made of plaster or plasterboard can usher in a shelving wall which provides open space.

Decoration items like colourful fabrics on armchairs, curtains made of glass beads, line, rope or even cotton or natural materials like wood, wicker or stone provide simpleness and transmit the freedom which is a main feature of this aesthetic trend.

Naturalness and simplicity of this kind of decoration makes this spaces favor natural materials, such as fiber used in home weaving as well as in wood or stone largely unpolished in order for them to look as rustic as possible. Other materials ubiquitous in this kind of environment. in order for them to appear as rustic as possible. Other materials used that have also a heavy presence in this kind of enviroment is glass or ceramics.

Indisputably, White color and luminosity make spaces look tidier and it cannot be denied that the island´s weather facilitates this contribution of natural light most of the time. It´s interesting to observe how these elements allows us to achieve a more striking and flashy furniture, as their colour and textures are highlighted much more easily.

House Libelai, the template for an stylish Ibizan room

An example of this kind of decor is that of the following bedroom in our Libelai villa. Because of the very purist style regarding shape and simplicity we find this kind of decor very close to minimalism.

Everything is arranged in a very practical and functional level, without excess or flourish. Nothing is out of place in the decor. Everything exudes balance and harmony. The open and gleaming space does its best to take maximum advantage of the natural paradise it sits on, without letting any of Ibiza´s wonders go unnoticed.t.

And you, do you dare to add a bit of Ibiza to your home?

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